Saturday, May 10, 2008

tucked in

tucked in, originally uploaded by gawdessness.

The short walk from the pottery studio to the crunchy granola coffee shop takes us past expensive cars, popular bars and upscale boutiques.

Sometimes it also takes us past people, like this man, sleeping uncomfortably in a recessed doorway.

it is unsettling for me, how vulnerable I feel when I see another person so - unprotected...


Anna said...

What an interesting and disconcerting shot! I know how you feel.

When I was still working at a grocery store, one of the homeless people that live in the ravine near us set up his tatty quilt on the ground in front of the exit doors, then basically passed right out, with his legs blocking the path. He had his head in the shade, while the rest of his body was warmed by the sun. The security staff tried to move him a bit so that he wasn't blocking things quite as much, otherwise, they simply left him be. People still had to maneuver their carts around him, or step over his legs. No one knew what else to do.


Sandie said...

It is an unsettling shot, but a good one. I feel the same way.

ipm said...

it's a funny world we live in.

great shot. if there was only a way to alleviate all the unpleasantness...

thanks for this....

Scrivener said...

You capture that unsettling feeling perfectly in this shot. I know exactly what you mean about feeling vulnerable yourself. Every time I see homeless people, some part of me remembers being homeless myself. I don't deal well with it. I can feel it in my chest and shoulders, the defensiveness. I don't like that about myself. I understand better than most people in my current socioeconomic strata what it's like, so I wish I could be more open, wish I could make that an issue that I could really through myself into and do something about, but it pushes my buttons so hard.

Yankee, Transferred said...

I get a physical reaction when I see this kind of devastation on the street. It's a gut-level discomfort. This photo is incredibly evocative.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

i love your title for the shot, gawdess.Poignant words and an evocative shot. Sad but real.

Ampersand said...

yes, this does and should make me uncomfortable. good reminder to stay awake to all the opportunities to minister to those around me.

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When I ask to photograph someone, it is because I love the way they look and I think I make that clear. I'm paying them a tremendous compliment. What I'm saying is, I want to take you home with me and look at you for the rest of my life.
- Amy Arbus