a homeschooling field trip of sorts
my youngest two and I
at the local public school
helping tiny princesses and superheroes
play halloween games
Friday, October 31, 2008
ghost in the line
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
fluffy tailed rodent
bobs on the branches
outside my bedroom window
it loves these apples
mushy after the frosts
Monday, October 27, 2008
in a row (Oct. 27) IPHONE
in a row
expensive nail polish
three of them blue
make me think of summer
because I only ever use
them on my feet
because I like looking down
and seeing the colours
winking up at me
from my sandals
Sunday, October 26, 2008
oj for what ails me - isight
I usually don't feel cold
when I have a cold
or too hot either
but my face can sure hurt
Saturday, October 25, 2008
hand in hand
most Saturday mornings
we are up EARLY
to schlep kids to pottery
I never cease to be amazed
at what is produced there
this will be a pencil holder
after glazing and firing
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
bought in San Diego
from an artist
in Balboa Park
I like the weight of it
bumping against the base of my throat
and I like the flash of ocean colours
when I see my reflection
as I move through my day
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
scary cookies at the dollar store iphone
nothing in the other aisles
the ones
dedicated to halloween
seemed as spooky
as the shattered face
of this princess head
made of hardened dough
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
blue has a light of it's own
it is my favourite colour
probably because of the sky
on those days with the sun shining just so
but oh
those times that it wraps around me
fills my head and obscures the gold of happy
I don't know quite what to do
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
unexpected find
in the field behind the high school
pulled over the van so we could all watch it
bump slowly, and awkwardly
slightly up and then down
a little at a time
until there was only up
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
how do I show the season
without the leaves?
that was the challenge I set myself today
because autumn here is
all about the leaves
yellowing, falling, browning, curling
and blowing along the ground
and I found
it is also about the light
as I stopped and bent against the sharp wind
pausing on my way to VOTE
to take this shot of the ice rink fence
Monday, October 13, 2008
department store orchid
running late this year on the holiday shopping
I like to get it done before halloween
when it is quiet and not too many people are about
and most of the stuff I am looking for is still there
today was my first real foray out
and I was pleased to find a small oasis of
orchids under the cold blue glare
of the fluorescent lighs
Sunday, October 12, 2008
autumn kissed leaves
making me think of that grateful dead song
something about a touch of chill in the air today
a touch of silver in my hair
anyway, I still have the images of waves in my head
but I also love my oceanless home
Saturday, October 11, 2008
stop over in las vegas
airport terminal in las vegas
complete with one arm bandits
and brushed aluminum sky
and burnished metal palms
the view outside the windows was surreal
a sphinx, a pyramid, a golden cube and a fairy castle
shimmering at the end of the tarmac
Friday, October 10, 2008
sun sets on La Jolla Cove
the weather has finally turned Octoberish
still not cold but somewhat sweatery
which is fine because I brought one of those and will probably wear it for one last walk on the beach before we are thrust back into the the travelling travails
this is the city in southern california that will have a piece of my heart
even when I am far away and in a different country
Thursday, October 9, 2008
look closely
made from Lego...
Legoland California
felt as crowded as this
even though it was a weekday,
in October,
oh but my kids didn't care
even at the feeding frenzy that was the gift store
at closing time
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
early morning sand castles IPHONE
when I go home
I will be happy to be there
but I will miss running on the beach
in the early morning
sharing the shore with
surfers and dog walkers
and finding
the magical and the ephemeral
beauty of sand castles
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
memories of the friendly giant
san diego wild animal park
what a wonderful place
older kids and dad did the segue tour
younger kids and I did the PHOTO safari
A blast was had by all!
We are left wanting to go back...
on the way home we stopped and picked up an
OSTRICH egg from a roadside stand
much to the kid's disbelief
there may be an ostrich omellette in our
Monday, October 6, 2008
panda toddler
we went to the zoo, zoo, zoo
the san diego zoo
and we spent all day
I almost cried when I saw the pandas
Sunday, October 5, 2008
found, dead on beach
found, dead on beach
3 feet long
seen during morning walk towards scripps pier,
I thought about it later when wading in the surf,
flinching when seaweed tangled around my ankles.
kids saw leopard sharks,
while they were playing
small and harmless
but very cool...
still, between that and the surfer
talking about the sting ray they encountered...
playing in the ocean was a very aerobic experience for me today
Saturday, October 4, 2008
piper x
early morning beach
seeing the sandpiper
and then
weaving in and out of the joggers, walkers and surfers
oh the surfers,
all ages and sizes and sun bleached hair
everywhere I look,
and the surfer talk all around
like listening to a soundtrack from a beach movie
it makes me smile
but then the chop,chop, chop
of the rescue helicopter circling overhead
and the lifeguards on the ocean
searching for a lost diver
makes the morning a little less sunny
the searchers are still there
hours later
the lost still unfound
when we're back with the kids
we try sea kayaking
look at caves in the cliffs
and sea lions basking on sandstone
my oldest and I both get
hit with churning nausea
oh seasickness ick
it cuts our trip a little short
but solid land is so welcoming
that we don't care
Friday, October 3, 2008
up where we belong
Sea World
being checked for weapons at the entrance
and me not figuring that out till later
babbling to the guard about the illicit food we were smuggling in
being okay because it was for our daughter who is celiac
it meant
sore feet from walking all day
beluga whales circling
walruses doing underwater somersaults
Thursday, October 2, 2008
buttons and the vet
the ocean surprised me,
it captivated all of us.
so did seeing the disabled U.S. war veterans - surfing in that ocean
feels funny saying "I'm from Canada"
because I never say it otherwise
but it is good to talk to so many nice Americans
and that is all we seem to encounter
in and out burger
more beach
and trying to surf ourself
then tide pools
and hummingbirds
and butterflies
and seals and sea lions
and pelicans
and that is only the first full day
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
the blue rolling beneath my wings
from the window of the plane
land between seattle and san diego
I can hear the ocean
tomorrow I bring my children to it
About Me
- Gawdess
- Canada
- gawdessnessatgmaildotcom
My pictures
Click! Other People
- Ampersand & Boogieman 365 +1
- Anastasia 365
- Angelfeet's 365
- Barbara's 366
- beth365
- boubou
- Bright Star's 365
- Create Art Every Day
- From Away 365
- Frozen In Time
- ItoFoto
- m2h project 365
- Madeleines Child
- Nikki 365
- Not By A Long Shot
- Parts n Pieces 365
- Playing with Pixels
- Rev.Dr.Mom 365
- Sandy 365
- sandycovetrail 365+1
- Scrivenings
- strawberry creek studios
- Yankee T 365+1
Blog Archive
- ghost in the line
- reflect iphone
- glass stack
- gleam
- in a row (Oct. 27) IPHONE
- oj for what ails me - isight
- hand in hand
- spocktacular
- souvenir
- scary cookies at the dollar store iphone
- curve
- light lunch
- black face
- needles of gold
- blue has a light of it's own
- my favourite sweater still smells like the sea
- higher
- imitation
- department store orchid
- autumn kissed leaves
- stop over in las vegas
- sun sets on La Jolla Cove
- look closely
- early morning sand castles IPHONE
- memories of the friendly giant
- panda toddler
- found, dead on beach
- piper x
- up where we belong
- buttons and the vet
- the blue rolling beneath my wings
Photo Quotes
When I ask to photograph someone, it is because I love the way they look and I think I make that clear. I'm paying them a tremendous compliment. What I'm saying is, I want to take you home with me and look at you for the rest of my life. - Amy Arbus