From yesterday - we had so many Waxwings feasting on the fermented crab apples in our backyard and I took too many pictures to even begin to deal with.
This bird appeals to me because of the attitude I imagine I can see in it.
(edited to add colour orignal as contrast - for Ianqui)
Canon EOS 30d, shutter 1/60, f18.0,240mm, iso200
Cute! You don't happen to have this in color too, do you? I'd like to see the contrast.
I love it. What a perfectly captured "attitude".
Beautiful! I love the colour gradients on these birds. I'd never seen this type of waxwing until we moved out here.
yes , the attitude!!!! i can see it too!!! :)
They are beautiful, I love all your shots on Flickr :)
chuckling at the fermented crabapples. how tipsy do your birds get? perhaps that's the source of the 'tude? :-)
The tip of his head...
I like it in b&w, but even more I like the shade of red behind him. Now I'm going over to flickr to see the rest!
I didn't see this until now, but I really like the color picture. It's great that the background matches the top of the bird's head!
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